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The beginning

Georgios Kyriakidis He had studied photography in the city of a distinguished artist named Kouriotis. With the Asia Minor disaster, he came to Greece at the age of 22 (he was born in 1900). He opened the first photography studio in Amfissa in 1922 under the name - ARTISTIC PHOTOGRAPHY - "o Apellis". He resorted to the ancient painter because he initially did not want his refugee origin to be seen and moreover he considered "Kyriakides" to be a bad sound.

But most Greeks, not knowing what "Apellis" is, transferred the tone to the ending because it was easier for them to call the photographer "Apelis". The Argives thought the same way, when Kyriakidis left Amfissa and came to Argos in 1924. Back in Amfissa, in addition to his reputation as a good photographer, there was also a huge advertising sign placed outside Amfissa. Even today the inhabitants of the area, when they want to identify that particular turn, say: At the rock of "Apeli". His entire artistic journey – from 1924 to 1960 – was marked by three photo studios: The first operated in the location that is the "Fasaria" cafe, the second on Dentrostochia (Danaou) and at the location where the first branch of Believe it or not, while the third one at 23 Vasilissis Sofias – at the then electrical goods store of D. Roussopoulos. According to the clientele that preferred him, he was given the title "the family photographer of Argos". He worked meticulously with retouching and, as a variety, brown photography. It also featured green photos, but was eventually reduced to "sepia" at the insistence of customers. He used natural light during the photo shoot. The whole north side of the roof of the photography was glazed, and by various curtains which he constantly moved he refracted the light as he pleased and achieved what he aimed for.

The succession

The now commercial nickname was also inherited by his son Ioannis who has been active for more than 50 years in the field of hardware, all kinds of paints and kigaleria.

The evolution

And we reach the 2000s when the third generation continues the Apellis brand uninterruptedly. The grandson of Georgios Kyriakidis "Apellis" Kitsokostas Giorgos operates a store with the most modern and specialized in the field of furniture. In addition, it has a multiple electronic color composition system with a network of different machines connected together to meet the demands of the modern market. you with the one that suits him In the store there is a targeted showroom with our products for you to choose the designs of your liking.

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